Results for 'Montanus Cyprian Milanzi'

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  1.  56
    Business ethics in eastern and southern Africa.Montanus Cyprian Milanzi - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (14):1549-1553.
    There is a scanty pieces of information regarding business activities amongst people in Eastern and Southern Africa. The official records show that there is still a limited business activities undertaken by people in the region. The wind of change in the late 1980s necessitated the national states, institutions and people to seek for a closer co-operation in business and other activities. Ethical issues have been on top of the agenda of every nation because of the perceived development and improvement of (...)
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    Étienne Dumont: Genevan Apostle of Utility*: Cyprian Blamires.Cyprian Blamires - 1990 - Utilitas 2 (1):55-70.
    In the years 1829 and 1830 there appeared in Geneva a short-lived journal called l'Utilitaire, edited by Antoine-Élysée Cherbuliez. In the preface to the first issue, the editor wrote that he was working ‘in the spirit of Bentham’, but did not wish to found a party tied to Bentham's name. He wished to emulate Bentham's thinking in so far as it was synonymous with a detached, neutral perspective on the world, a viewpoint superior to the strife of factions. Having spoken (...)
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  3.  17
    Rationalities in History. A Weberian Essay in Comparison.Cyprian Blamires - 2012 - Intellectual History Review 22 (4):547-548.
  4. Veritas nullius: das anti-idolatrische Potential des theonomen Wahrheitsbegriffes bei Anselm von Canterbury.Osb Cyprian Krause - 2014 - In Alfredo Simón, Conoscenza ed affectus in Anselmo d'Aosta: atti del simposio internazionale in occasione del 900° anniversario dalla morte di S. Anselmo d'Aosta, Facoltà di filosofia del Pontificio Ateneo di Sant'Anselmo di Roma, 21-22 aprile 2009. Roma: Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo.
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  5. A work touching the good ordering of a common weal.Joannes Ferrarius Montanus - 1559 - New York,: Johnson Reprint. Edited by William Bavande.
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    Modo de predicar y Modus concionandi. Estudio doctrinal y edición crítica by Pío Sagüés Azcona, O.F.M.Cyprian J. Lynch - 1952 - Franciscan Studies 12 (2):235-237.
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    Retoryka, prawda, polityka - od klasycznych sofistów do pseudomodernistów.Cyprian Mielczarski - forthcoming - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej.
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    Flat Space Gravitation.J. M. C. Montanus - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (9):1543-1562.
    A new description of gravitational motion will be proposed. It is part of the proper time formulation of physics as presented on the IARD 2000 conference. According to this formulation the proper time of an object is taken as its fourth coordinate. As a consequence, one obtains a circular space–time diagram where distances are measured with the Euclidean metric. The relativistic factor turns out to be of simple goniometric origin. It further follows that the Lagrangian for gravitational dynamics does not (...)
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  9.  66
    M. Murphy, Blanco White: Self-banished Spaniard, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1989, pp. xii + 270.Cyprian Blamires - 1990 - Utilitas 2 (1):154.
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  10.  24
    (1 other version)The Intro-Reflected Time of the Hegelian System.Cyprian Gawlik - 2019 - Hegel Jahrbuch 2019 (1):504-511.
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  11.  14
    Franciscan Pathways.Cyprian Lynch - 1991 - Franciscan Studies 51 (1):131-132.
  12.  65
    The Ascent of Mount Sion by Fray Bernardino de Laredo, O. F. M. Translated by E. Allison Peers.Cyprian J. Lynch - 1954 - Franciscan Studies 14 (2):220-222.
  13. Społeczna i polityczna mysi sofistów — Protagoras, Prodikos, Hippiasz i Antyfont.Cyprian Mielczarski - 2006 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 50.
    By emphasising the role of the social factor in the human life, the sophists created the foundations of European sociopolitical thought which arose from the spirit of criticism, pervading the Athenian democratic culture in the second half of the 5th century B.C. They gave rise to the first anthropological breakthrough in the history of our civilisation by treating philosophy, education and upbringing as preparation for life in a free civil society. They also had their share in depriving the laws of (...)
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  14.  91
    Proper-Time Formulation of Relativistic Dynamics.J. M. C. Montanus - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (9):1357-1400.
    It will be argued that Minkowski's implementation of distances is inconsistent. An alternative implementation will be proposed. In the new model the proper time of an object is taken as its fourth coordinate. Distances will be measured according to a four dimensional Euclidean metric. In the present approach mass is a constant of motion. A mass can therefore be ascribed to photons and neutrinos. Mechanics and dynamics will be reformulated in close correspondence with classical physics. Of particular interest is the (...)
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  15.  86
    El Utilitarismo: una teoría de la elección racional. Josep M. Colomer, Barcelona, Montesinos, 1987, pp. 157.Cyprian P. Blamires - 1989 - Utilitas 1 (1):167.
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  16.  35
    Hegel and Derrida on Spirit’s Temporality.Cyprian Gawlik - 2021 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 53 (1):75-90.
    ABSTRACT This paper confronts G.W.F Hegel and Jacques Derrida in terms of their insights regarding the temporality of spirit. The context for the confrontation is Derrida’s deconstruction of the Husserlian phenomenology. It is argued that Derrida conflated Husserl’s and Hegel’s theories of meaning and teleology under the banner of the metaphysics of presence. The main purpose of this undertaking is to challenge Derrida’s interpretation of Hegel as well as his vision of the history of ontology. This is accomplished by first (...)
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  17.  9
    Hermeneutyczno-dydaktyczny wymiar symbolu i implikacje pedagogicznoreligijne: studium pedagogicznoreligijne w wymiarze interdyscyplinarnym.Cyprian Rogowski - 1999 - Lublin: Tow. Nauk. Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego.
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  18.  20
    The French Idea of History: Joseph de Maistre and his heirs 1794–1854.Cyprian Blamires - 2012 - Intellectual History Review 22 (2):313-314.
    (2012). The French Idea of History: Joseph de Maistre and his heirs 1794–1854. Intellectual History Review: Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 313-314. doi: 10.1080/17496977.2012.694192.
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  19.  2
    World Fascism: A Historical Encyclopedia.Cyprian Blamires (ed.) - 2006 - ABC-CLIO.
    This book shows how, during the 20th century, evils such as totalitarianism, tyranny, war, and genocide became indelibly linked to the fascist cause, and examines the enduring and popular appeal of an ideology that has counted princes, poets, and war heroes among its most fervent adherents. From the followers of Hajj Amin Al-Husseini, the Arab leader who met with Adolf Hitler in November 1942 to the murderous death squads of the Croatian Ustasha to certain members of the British Establishment, fascism's (...)
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  20.  11
    Istota kłamstwa politycznego – refleksja wokół klasycznej i współczesnej etyki filozoficznej. Od Platona do Derridy.Cyprian Mielczarski - forthcoming - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej.
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  21. Nihilizm i prawo silniejszego a praworządność w nauce sofistów.Cyprian Mielczarski - 2007 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 52.
    The opposition between Socrates’ views and the sophists’ teachings reflects the conflict of ethics and politics and of philosophy and democracy, the form of state regarded by Plato as an outcome of sophistical relativism. Socrates saw the task of a politician in betterment of his own soul and of the citizens’ characters while the sophists taught their disciples utilitarian efficacy in politics and everyday life, essential to achieve success in the system of direct democracy. Cognitive nihilism was created by Gorgias (...)
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  22.  1
    Retoryka, prawda, polityka - od klasycznych sofistów do pseudomodernistów.Cyprian Mielczarski - forthcoming - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej.
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  23. Nihilism and the Law of the Stronger vs. Law-Abidingness in the Sophists’ Teachings.Cyprian Mielczarski - 2007 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 52.
    The opposition between Socrates’ views and the sophists’ teachings reflects the conflict of ethics and politics and of philosophy and democracy, the form of state regarded by Plato as an outcome of sophistical relativism. Socrates saw the task of a politician in betterment of his own soul and of the citizens’ characters while the sophists taught their disciples utilitarian efficacy in politics and everyday life, essential to achieve success in the system of direct democracy. Cognitive nihilism was created by Gorgias (...)
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  24.  8
    Joseph de Maistre and His European Readers: From Friedrich von Gentz to Isaiah Berlin.Jean-Louis Darcel, Cyprian Blamires, Kevin Erwin, Tonatiuh Useche Sandoval, Raphaël Cahen, Adrian Daub, Ryohei Kageura, Michael Kohlhauer, Marco Ravera & José Miguel Nanni Soares (eds.) - 2011 - Boston: Brill.
    Long known solely as fascism’s precursor, Joseph de Maistre re-emerges in this volume as a versatile thinker with a colossally diverse posterity whose continuing relevance in Europe is ensured by his theorization of the encounter between tradition and modernity.
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  25.  39
    The mediterranean environment. W.V. Harris the ancient mediterranean environment between science and history. Pp. XXII + 332, b/w & colour figs, ills, maps. Leiden and boston: Brill, 2013. Cased, €112, us$145. Isbn: 978-90-04-25343-8. [REVIEW]Cyprian Broodbank - 2015 - The Classical Review 65 (1):245-247.
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  26.  61
    Gianfranco Pellegrino, La Fabbrica della Felicità: Liberalismo, etica e psicologia in Jeremy Bentham (Naples: Liguori Editore, 2010), pp. 291. [REVIEW]Cyprian Blamires - 2013 - Utilitas 25 (2):283-284.
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  27.  14
    (1 other version)No Title available: Book Reviews. [REVIEW]Cyprian P. Blamires - 1989 - Utilitas 1 (1):167-168.
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  28. Aleksander Hercen oczami Isaiaha Berlina, czyli liberalna interpretacja filozofii rosyjskiego myśliciela.Michał Cyprian Kacprzak - 2013 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 87 (3):165-176.
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  29.  74
    Alexis Keller, le libéralisme sans la démocratie. La pensée républicaine d'antoine-elysée cherbuliez (1797–1869) (lausanne: Editions payot, 2001), pp. XXIII + 388. [REVIEW]Cyprian Blamires - 2004 - Utilitas 16 (2):229-231.
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  30.  19
    Cyprian’s Use of Philippians: To live is Christ and to die is gain.Edwina Murphy - 2016 - Augustinianum 56 (1):35-56.
    Cyprian’s appropriation of Scripture and his theological emphases are closely connected with the circumstances of his congregation. As a case study in Cyprian’s biblical interpretation, this article considers all his quotations of and allusions to Philippians through the lens of his pastoral concerns: the unity of the Church; care for the poor and captive; discipline and repentance; and divine truth and eternal glory. The reading strategies Cyprian uses can be categorized as contextual exegesis, model, image, direct application, (...)
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  31.  35
    A Cyprian Contract concerning the Use of Land.A. J. Beattie - 1959 - Classical Quarterly 9 (3-4):169-.
    Mr.Mitford has kindly provided me with a photograph and impression of a Cyprian text of uncertain provenance, which he assigns to the fifth or fourth century B.C. An account of the text has been published by Mr. Mitford in Minos, VI. i , 37–47. I print below my interpretation, which differs in some respects from his. The characters on the stone are for the most part clearly legible, and even where there is damage to the surface of the stone (...)
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  32.  28
    Cyprian Krause’s ‘justification of rituality in the face of the absurd’ – its potential for negative hermeneutics of liturgy and their methodological consequences.Edda Wolff - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 79 (3):235-250.
    ABSTRACTThe essay analyses the potential for a negative hermeneutic in liturgical studies, taking as its basis Cyprian Krause’s ‘justification of the ritual in the face of the absurd’. It then examines consequent challenges for other theological subjects. The method of negative hermeneutics focusses on the limits of and gaps within the process of sense. This article explores how different aspects of negativity of sense can help to study otherwise ignored and liminal aspects of liturgy. A negative hermeneutics of ritual (...)
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  33.  27
    Cyprian in Thomas More's Writings.Eugenio M. Olivares Merino - 2020 - Moreana 57 (1):23-47.
    The presence and relevance of St. Cyprian and his writings in Thomas More's works has only been partially discussed in the available literature. In the present paper I intend to contextualize More's interest for St. Cyprian within the general appreciation that other humanists showed for the Fathers of the Church, and this African Bishop in particular. Thus a close review of More's references to St. Cyprian in his writings is here presented, organized in three blocks: the so-called (...)
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  34.  76
    Cyprian Texts.A. J. Beattie - 1962 - The Classical Review 12 (03):251-.
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    Cyprian and his Role as the Faithful Bishop in Response to the Lapsed, the Martyrs, and the Confessors Following the Decian Persecution.Gordon D. Harris - 2011 - Eleutheria: A Graduate Student Journal 1 (2):2.
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  36.  39
    Cyprian = “OR.”.C. M. Mulvany - 1897 - The Classical Review 11 (07):349-.
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  37. Cyprian Norwid: trzy wątki myśli.Andrzej Walicki - 1978 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 24.
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    Cyprian in Greece.E. W. Watson - 1893 - The Classical Review 7 (06):248-.
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  39. Cyprian Norwid – The Poet of Truth.Ryszard Zajączkowski - 1997 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 20 (2-3):147-156.
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  40.  21
    Envy's narrative scripts: Cyprian, Basil, and the monastic Sages on the anatomy and cure of the invidious emotions.Paul M. Blowers - 2009 - Modern Theology 25 (1):21-43.
    Incorporating Martha Nussbaum's work on the “intelligence” of human emotions in Greco‐Roman moral philosophy, Robert Kaster's analysis of the “narrative scripts” of rivalrous emotions in antiquity, and René Girard's insights into the role of “mimetic desire” in human envy, this article explores the strategies of two major early Christian bishops, Cyprian and Basil of Caesarea, to “read” and to cure the variant scripts of envy and related invidious passions in concrete ecclesial contexts. The article also examines certain monastic theologians (...)
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  41.  31
    Cyprian’s Rival Bishops and Their Communities.Geoffrey D. Dunn - 2005 - Augustinianum 45 (1):61-93.
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    Cyprian's platform in the rebaptism controversy.S. J. Maurice Bévenot - 1978 - Heythrop Journal 19 (2):123–142.
  43.  10
    Zu Cyprian.C. Wagener - 1891 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 50 (1-4):48-48.
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    Die Matrone Cornelia und der Märtyrerbischof Cyprian.Johannes Breuer - 2021 - Hermes 149 (1):104.
    In the last years, there has been an increasing interest in the Christian poet Prudentius and his literary technique. This article wants to show that Propertius’s elegy 4.11, the so-called regina elegiarum, is a crucial intertext for Prudentius, Peristephanon 13. Numerous lexical and motivic references to the Propertian text regarding the matrone Cornelia render it plausible that Prudentius wanted his recipients to read his poem about the Carthagian martyr bishop Cyprian while bearing in mind the Propertian intertext. Furthermore, by (...)
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  45.  20
    Cyprian's Platform in the Rebaptism Controversy.Maurice Bévenot - 1978 - Heythrop Journal 19 (2):123-142.
  46.  37
    Cyprian - (A.) Brent Cyprian and Roman Carthage. Pp. xvi + 365, ills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Cased, £60, US$99. ISBN: 978-0-521-51547-4. [REVIEW]George Kalantzis - 2012 - The Classical Review 62 (1):191-193.
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    Who was Reginaldus Gonsalvius Montanus?B. A. Vermaseren - 1985 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 47 (1):47-77.
  48.  16
    (1 other version)Cyprian[REVIEW]R. A. Markus - 1978 - The Classical Review 28 (2):354-354.
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  49.  36
    Appropriating Augustine Appropriating Cyprian.J. Patout Burns - 2005 - Augustinian Studies 36 (1):113-130.
  50.  23
    Formation of Pedobaptism in the Third century: Origen, Hippolytus of Rome, Tertullian and Cyprian.Serhii Sannikov - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 86:20-42.
    . In the article of Sannikov S. "Formation of Pedobaptism in the Third century: Origen, Hippolytus of Rome, Tertullian and Cyprian the texts of pre-Nicaea Church fathers are analyzed in order to present their conception of water baptism. The works of four prominent theologians of the 3rd century " are examined particularly. Based on their texts, reflecting the conception of water baptism in various regions of the Roman Empire, the process of formation of children baptism is studied in its (...)
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